Spring into a New Contour

March 15, 2020

One great thing about the human body is its inherent curves. Some of us are curvier than others; some of us, for better or worse, have straighter lines. But these days, curves are in, which is much healthier than the waif-like appearance of models just a decade or so ago. Today, we celebrate the curves of our bodies.

That’s exactly what we’re doing at Providence this month — celebrating your curves and the various options we have for accentuating them. Here’s a little more about a few of our body contouring options, all sure to give you just the right curves for that next trip to the coast this summer, or maybe just the backyard pool.


Liposuction is perennially one of the top three cosmetic surgeries because fat is stubborn. It’s like a two-year-old in Publix writhing about on the floor of the candy aisle after being denied a request. The human body is adept at storing fat that is virtually impossible to remove with targeted exercise or dietary restraint. Dr. Gear removes it with tumescent liposuction, where a saline solution with lidocaine and epinephrine is injected into the target area first. This swells the area, provides local anesthetic, and constricts the blood vessels for less bruising and blood loss. Liposuction is very effective for removing stubborn pockets of fat and slimming your contour.


CoolSculpting is the world’s most popular non-surgical body contouring procedure. It uses controlled cooling to freeze fat cells, all the while leaving the surrounding tissue undamaged. CoolSculpting removes between 20-24 percent of the fat in the treated areas. The FDA has approved CoolSculpting on these areas: abdomen, flanks, thighs, bra line, back fat, banana roll, the jowls, and the upper arms. We apply the patented cooling panels and you can read a book, watch a video, or take a nap. When the freezing is done, we massage the area for a few minutes, and you’re done. You can get right back to your normal activities and watch as over the next few weeks your body sheds the frozen/destroyed fat cells and slims your contour.


CoolTone is a new non-invasive treatment from the same folks behind CoolSculpting. CoolTone is a noninvasive treatment that strengthens and builds muscle tone by delivering Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (MMS) to the area. This energy induces involuntary muscle contractions and tones and defines the muscles and appearance in the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and arm areas. How many muscle contractions, you ask? How about 20,000 in a 30-minute treatment. Good luck doing that many in your workout!


Fat Grafting

Fat grafting with Dr. Gear has a dual benefit that delights our patients — it removes unwanted fat from areas such as the flanks through liposuction and then that fat is injected back into areas where you actually want it. This can be in the buttocks (Brazilian butt lift), the breasts, the face (usually under eye hollows), the backs of the hands, or anywhere else you’d like to add a little volume.

As you can see, we have lots of options for adding or accentuating your curves at Providence Plastic Surgery & Skin Center. Give us a call at (704) 771-1747 and ask us about them.