No, this is not some hustle for a new cream with magical and resurrection-like powers that will tighten your jungle pouch. You can find one example of that here: Like underwear, once the elastic goes, it has to be trashed. The same holds true for post-pregnancy abdominal skin. If it is uber loose, the only fix is a tummy tuck.
The best way to avoid a tummy tuck is through simple preventive measures.
- Don’t eat too much. You are not eating for two! That is a medical fallacy from yesteryear. You are eating for one. Just eat well. Patients who overeat and gain 40-100 lbs. blow out there skin something fierce, and there is no turning back. A tummy tuck is in your future.
- Work out before, during, and after your pregnancy. A strong core will counteract the weakening of the abdominal muscles that occurs with pregnancy and potentially avoid that blown out, perma-pregnant look that is grounds for a tummy tuck. My wife used a personal trainer during her first pregnancy, and it made a big difference.
- Prime the skin to prevent stretch marks. This is a bit of a gray zone. Strong and healthy skin will theoretically resist the damage that occurs with the radical stretching that occurs during pregnancy. Some of this is dictated by genetics and ethnicity, but you can have an impact by pre-treating the skin. Women have used various and sundry skin goo’s to try and prevent stretch marks. Coco butter, Olive oil, Vitamin E oil, Essential oils, castor oil, etc, etc. There is little to no scientific proof of any of these things actually working. All you find on the Internet are personal testimonies and anecdotal evidence. One thing that was recommended to me by an MD/PhD Dermatologist friend of mine was to use products that restore the skin barrier function and stimulate cell turnover thus creating a thicker dermis and epidermis (the outer two layers of the skin). My wife used Extreme Medical Barrier Cream by Epionce which fulfills these functions, and she has no stretch marks after two almost 9lb girls.
Try these things before your pregnancy. They can potentially help and keep you away from people like me. Unfortunately, there are still variables that are uncontrollable that will lead to major skin and muscle damage such as baby size, pelvic anatomy, and water weight gain. If you fall into this category and your stomach looks like a grenade went off in it, a plastic surgeon may be able to help you.
Dr. Andrew Gear is a Plastic Surgeon in Charlotte, NC specializing in breast augmentation, breast reduction, brazilian butt lift, tummy tuck, face enhancements, and liposuction. His practice Providence Plastic Surgery is a boutique Charlotte cosmetic surgery clinic with leading Charlotte plastic surgeon, Dr. Andrew Gear.
Our Charlotte plastics office is a Charlotte area plastic surgery facility specializing in breast augmentation, breast reduction, brazilian butt lift, tummy tuck, face enhancements, and liposuction in the South Charlotte area. Delivering premium natural plastic surgery and natural cosmetic surgery services to clients in Charlotte, Ballantyne, Matthews, Pineville, Waxhaw, and all of North Carolina and South Carolina.